The man who knows no foreign language, knows nothing of his mother.
Date answers alle seguenti domnde usando il simple past. Se volete, potete seguire le indicazioni date.
When was the last time you went on holyday?
I was.....
Last... two, three....ago
Where did you go for your last holiday?
Who did you go with?
I went with...
Some friends, my family, my partner..., alone
How did you get there?
By plane, by train, by car .....
How did you book the tickets?
I booked them at a travel agency/on the internet
How long did you stay?
I/we stayed there (for) a ....
Week, month, day...
Where did you stay?
I/we stayed in ...
In a hotel, at a campsite, in a country house...
What did you do?
Walked around/took photos.... went swimming, sunbathed.... We saw a museum, a famous place, a cathedral... During the day... At night... In the morning, afternoon/evening
What did you like about .............?
I liked.......... a lot because .....
Did you like the food?
Yes, it was delicious. No, (not much). It was horrible/awful
Did you buy anything?
Yes, I did...
No, I didn't..
postcards, a mug, some shirts  ... for my ... We spent a lot of money. Everything was expensive/cheap
Did you have a good time?
Yes, I did...
No, I didn't..
the weather was awful...
Did you have any problems?
Yes, I did...
No, I didn't..
Lost our baggage, were robbed, lost the camera
Would you like to come back?
 Yes, I would/No, I wouldn't. It's ...It was ...


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